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FMTS at Net Zero: our Carbon Neutral Outlook

At Friend MTS, we take fighting piracy extremely seriously. This means not only pioneering, developing and implementing effective anti-piracy solutions but also recognising our social responsibility and environmental accountability to our customers, stakeholders and supply chain as we go about our day-to-day business. That’s why FMTS takes pride in being fully carbon-neutral. 

Our Net Zero Pledge

We are dedicated to reducing carbon emissions across every aspect of our operations—whether it's through optimising our energy supply and usage, minimising business travel, improving our supply chain, supporting sustainable employee commutes, reducing our physical facility footprint, or fostering a mindset of sustainability throughout our organisation.

In addition, we're proud to collaborate with industry-leading carbon offsetters, ensuring we have access to transparent, high-quality carbon offsets verified by the top global accreditation bodies. By partnering with like-minded organisations that are also well on their way to achieving Net Zero, we are creating mutually beneficial relationships that help accelerate our collective efforts to drive down carbon emissions.

Our Carbon Footprint

We started our journey to net zero in 2023. Using the ISO 14064 family of standards and Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), we interrogated and measured our 2022 data. This accounted for all emissions we generate from ‘cradle to gate’ across our entire business chain, including everything from company vehicles to the power we use in our offices, as well as the emissions of our suppliers for services provided. This deep data dive is now repeated every year to pinpoint how our carbon emissions are changing over time as our business grows.

FMTS Carbon Offsetting

Once we determined our footprint, we validated this data with several carbon-offsetting organisations. They ensured our calculations were accurate, and, to avoid any greenwashing, recommended credible projects for carbon offsetting investments.

Consequently, FMTS partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain, the UK’s leading carbon offsetting organisation. Their projects align with UN Sustainable Development goals and are audited and approved via the United Nations CER, Verra, and Gold Standard Mechanisms. Using the three largest and most regulated carbon offsetting standards ensures the measurements of tonnes of CO2 we offset are accurate because they are verified by third parties, with public audits available for each project.

Carbon Neutral Britain chooses carbon offsetting projects that have a positive impact both locally and globally. This includes not only reducing emissions but also creating secondary benefits like supporting education, providing clean water and energy, creating jobs, and helping protect local wildlife and ecosystems.

For more detailed information on our net zero outlook, contact the team today.