
Blocking the Pirate in the Room - Subscribers Aren't the Only Ones Anxiously Awaiting New Releases

Written by Julia Gracheva | Dec 16, 2020 5:00:00 AM

Watch Brad Parobek’s presentation “Blocking the Pirate in the Room – Subscribers Aren’t the Only Ones Anxiously Awaiting New Releases” at the MESA CDSA Content Protection Summit.

Learn who these pirates are, why they are waiting for the high-value content to show up on the home screens and what consequences it all has for content owners, broadcasters, and service operators in today’s Covid-affected world with the changed consumer viewing habits and new pay-TV revenue models.

Find out how Friend MTS’ Global Monitoring Platform helps legitimate rights holders and premium video distributors to

  • find stolen content on the web within seconds;
  • enforce copyright in real time;
  • build cases against pirate services with forensic evidence.

(9.5 min)