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27th Apr 2021

NAB Amplify: NAB Show Premier - 4th Generation ASiD from Friend MTS

Watch this NAB Show Premier presentation by Andrew Pope (Senior Solutions Architect, Friend MTS) to learn about the new generation of ASiD, advanced subscriber identification forensic watermarking and content monitoring solutions:

  • ASiD Embedded, enhanced
  • ASiD OTT Client-composited, enhanced
  • ASiD OTT Edge-switched, new A/B Variant solution

Find out which watermarking solution is the most suitable for your devices, clients, and apps in the broadcast, managed and unmanaged OTT environments and how Trust Levels guidelines from Friend MTS assist you in your choice of a particular watermarking solution from the ASiD family.

Hit the “play” button to watch the video (6.5 min).


Image source: frames from (CC) Blender Foundation |
This image is fictional: subscriber watermark should never contain any private information related to the subscriber. This unique identifier is anonymous to any third party and can only be used by video service provider when piracy is confirmed.
