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The best content security solutions are built on the best technology.

Piracy never stops, and our technology never stops evolving.

We've been creating and perfecting the most advanced content security and anti-piracy solutions for more than two decades. And, unlike others, our technology is all proprietary – we don't use other companies' services and we don't sell our services to others.

Learn more about the technology behind the world's foremost anti-piracy solutions below.

Monitoring Monitoring

FMTS global content monitoring rapidly locates and identifies instances of fraud. Our scalable, robust solution enables you to take swift action, protecting your investments.  

Watermarking Watermarking

Our unrivalled watermarking technology is the world’s most widely deployed solution. Developed by the industry’s best to identify the origins of illegal redistribution, our watermarking solutions have you covered.

Blocking Blocking

Adapting to ever-changing threats in the piracy landscape, blocking’s cutting-edge approach keeps content secure. Pioneered by FMTS, blocking stops piracy and redirects viewers to legitimate sources.

Fingerprinting Fingerprinting

Video fingerprinting for comprehensive detection of pirated content.

Trust FMTS to safeguard your revenue

For fast, effective, highly scalable anti-piracy solutions, follow the biggest names in sports, media & entertainment: Trust FMTS.



FMTS global content monitoring rapidly locates and identifies instances of fraud. Our scalable, robust solution enables you to take swift action, protecting your investments.  



Our unrivalled watermarking technology is the world’s most widely deployed solution. Developed by the industry’s best to identify the origins of illegal redistribution, our watermarking solutions have you covered. 



Adapting to ever-changing threats in the piracy landscape, blocking’s cutting-edge approach keeps content secure. Pioneered by FMTS, blocking stops piracy and redirects viewers to legitimate sources. 



Video fingerprinting for comprehensive detection of pirated content.